

WiFi Connection Manager - APK Download

WiFi Connection Manager APK File

Program for Android devices developed by roamingsoft on 05/28/2014 There are currently more than a million users and earned a rating of 4.0 out of Google Play

Wireless Manager is the best manager, connector and wireless sensor on Android, with these advantages:
1.Accepte the AP (Access Point) SSID '(light: name of the access point) containing special characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, UNICODE, and others.
2.Afficher the password for the registered network. Your device must be ROOTE / knighted.
3.Résoudre problems connecting wireless devices.

Instant 4.Connexion. Immediate connection to a network already searched. Much faster than the built-in scan.
5.Static IP settings support. Auto Switch entre different AP.
6.Bascule between available networks (networks solves the conflict problems).
7.Peut add / connect some networks have a hidden SSID (depends on the device and network conditions)
manual network 8.Ajout, with special support for encrypted networks EAP / LEAP.
9.Pause scan, convenient to browse Many results.
10.plus information about details of the networks, type, bandwidth and channel.
Automatic 11.Détection the web authentication.
12.Sauvegarde / restore saved networks.
13.Add / share a wireless network using a grid code.
14.Mettre priority connecting networks.
15.WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) supported for Android 4.0 or above.
Automatic 16.Changement between networks saved if enough signal.
17.Wi-Fi tether (Wi-Fi Hotspot) support.
About the required permissions: • The camera is used to add a wireless network using a grid code.
• permissions 'Phone' and 'Internet' are for the plug-in Google AdMob.
• permission 'storage' is for backup / restore of saved networks.

  Gestionnaire du Sans-Fil – Capture d'écran

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  Gestionnaire du Sans-Fil – Capture d'écran

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