Samsung start sending Android 6 on Galaxy phones

Samsung has officially announced the commencement of the provision of the sixth version of the Android system, which is known as Marschmilo Marshmallow to the smart phones of Galaxy Galaxy category.
The company said in its statement that the two Galaxy S 6, 6 and Galaxy S Edge will be the first two ACQUIRE latest version of Android, that the update gradually up to the rest of the Galaxy phones.
And supports the arrival of the update on the user country as well as telecommunications service provider, where conditions vary from one provider to another company it said.
It provides the sixth version of the Android system, a wide range of the most important features a new interface to the director of applications, minimizing charging device consumption, in addition to integrating personal assistant Google Now deeper within the system.
For its part, Samsung has worked to customize your system the best possible shape to take advantage of smartphone features, also said that the phone Galaxy S 6 EDGE, which comes curved screen, got to improve in their own partial quick access on the edges of the screen.
Samsung issued in August / August of the past year, an initial list of devices that can update to Android owners 6.
It is noteworthy that Samsung is preparing to announce a new phone from the Galaxy family, which will carry the Galaxy S 7 name, it is expected to unveil him reveal officially launched on February 21 th, a phone that was leaked a lot of images that appear designed clearly.