Battery Time Saver
More of the problems plaguing you Kmstaml phones or devices Android those related to the battery, with the large number of new technologies and applications to be that device needs more energy every application Eachd share of the battery makes it empties quickly when you use a lot of applications and technologies, we mean techniques Calloway Fi, 3G , 4G, Bluetooth technology ... Each of them need what you need energy.

Application Battery Free Time of the leading applications that help to keep the battery, this is done to kill applications that consume energy in the background, or the ones that you do not want to work, but your permission.

Features Application Battery Time Saver & Optimizer
Application of Free, and is small in size and simple.
-Your Device consumes a lot of resources.
-tmdid Battery time to make them last longer.
-astaml Different tools to help conserve energy.
-aovr Settings refinement to improve and increase battery time.
-atoffer On smart charging property, which distinguish it from other other applications.
-tattiyl Applications that plague the capabilities of the device
-the control.