

Xiaoma preparing to announce a special processor for smartphones

Plans Xiaomi Chinese company, which quickly became one of the largest smartphone companies in the world, announced soon enter the field of smartphones processing segments of manufacturing, for use in future phones, as seen by analysts fresh blow to Qualcomm Qualcomm, a major processor companies in the world which it has recently begun to lose some of its most prominent customers.

According to the report published by the site "a Corian Times," Xiaomi plans to disclose new Amaaljha dated May 10 / May next year, during the event, which will announce it for her new tablet, Max.

This occupies Xiaoma fifth respectively on the list of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world according to the number of charged devices, which comes after both Samsung and Apple and Huawei and Lenovo, according to figures published by IDC company earlier this year. Xiaomi has sold about 70.8 million phones in 2015, has got in late 2014 for the title of the top emerging technology company in the world after the value of the received funding amounted to $ 1.1 billion from investors, bringing the company's value to 46 billion US dollars.

Among the Big Five list, both Samsung and Apple and Huawei manufactures its processors own, as some previous reports have indicated that the LG Also, her ranking sixth, also plans to make private Amaaljha, which means that Qualcomm, which saw a big boom in recent years with the growth of the market Smartphones will suffer a steady decline comes after a significant decline in profits sealed by the company last year in part due to a technical problem Snapdragon processor suffered 810 what some companies were forced to move away from choosing a therapist who was supposed to be one of the most powerful 2015 processors.
The Xiaomi known for its production phones and computers Tablets with specifications and quality of prohibitively high prices are relatively low.

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