A full internal memory is as painful as a mobile credit exhausted or empty battery. What about when you end up having to wait for a friend on camera saying, "wait a second, I have to delete stuff to take the picture." To ensure that such a situation does not occur again, you must follow a few steps that we present here.
- Move data:
3 types of data mainly occupy your memory:
-Application data
-The data cache
-User data (photos, videos, music)
Concerning your personal data, no need to remove them. You can simply move them to another storage space! Connect your smartphone to a computer to cut / paste as DCIM directories, movies, and music.
Even Whatsapp directory contains a myriad of images that should be borne somewhere but without the need to access regularly on your phone. These 4 directories can be moved to your computer without functionality loss
- Use wisely your SD card:
If you do not have a Galaxy S6, Nexus, and other smartphones completely locked, you probably have a microSD card slot. This, unfortunately, can not be used to automatically complete the system memory, but it can be extremely useful if properly used.
For example, if you add a microSD card to a Galaxy S5, the camera app will ask if you want to automatically save your photos on the map. You can also purchase a micro USB adapter (Leef) in the absence of SD port on your mobile.
- Synchronization to the Cloud
If the photos, music, and video are the main cause of your lack of available space, it is easy to remedy the problem. Google Play Music, for example, can allow you to play your music from the cloud and save valuable storage space.