Of the most habits prevalent among users of smartphones at the present time, is the use of these circumstances latter is very large, especially during the night and before going to sleep, and this may be normal for you, but it is a quite the opposite, because Almenbatth radiation from the phone screen form a significant threat to the eyes of the user, especially if the high brightness of the screen ratio, but as long as there is a problem there is a solution without a doubt.

Application today called Night Owl, and lies role in reducing the screen brightness very significantly, to the point that it's hard to distinguish the screen content when your use of the application during the day or adjust its settings to the maximum extent, and is something which will help significantly to reduce the damage to the eyes, and of the advantages of this application is that it facilitates the control where you can adjust the screen brightness across alerts bar, and you can also be functioned to identify and control the screen colors times.

All this does not intercede for you prolonged especially at night by the use of your phone, but the most appropriate solution is to minimize your use of him and remove him from your eyes for the