Identifier les applis qui consomment le plus de batterie
Que vous utilisiez un Smartphone, vous cherchez très certainement à optimiser l’autonomie de votre précieux appareil. Pour éviter de tomber en rade en plein milieu de la journée, nous allons voir aujourd’hui comment identifier les applications qui utilisent le plus de batterie sur un smartphone.
- Detect Evil App:

Sometimes considered useful applications, or at least we use several times a day, starting to consume resources with the simple aim of feeding the ego application ... Maybe you have to a mobile high-end that will work in all cases very well, but taking into account the questionable independence of so many current phones, the battery will pay the price for these demanding applications.
Fear not, there is a way to know which is the application that diabolical pump all your resources. Go to Settings> Power Options (or Power Management, Battery or simply depending on model)> Consumer applications or energy saving.
In some cases, the option is missing from your phone or does not show certain applications, appointment in this case in the "Battery Use" menu. You'll find here the most demanding elements of your system. This menu, in addition to applications, the consumption of process as the screen or operating system.
- What to do once the detected application?
Once you've tracked down the source of your problems, it is time to act. Go to Settings> Applications, locate the relevant app and click it. You can opt for some aggressive solutions such as deleting data or application cache, hoping that it will solve the problem. The best solution remains to force the application to quit, then restart it. Thus, you can monitor its behavior as a policeman in spinning.
Perhaps you tired of this app, maybe you found yourself on the Google Play Store app equivalent and less resource intensive. In any case, uninstall the app is still a choice of solution to make sure it will annoy you more.
- What will happen if no application is involved?
Often the offending battery drain is not an application, but other functions. In most cases, it comes to the screen. The solution is simple: reduce brightness when you are indoors and reduce the screen saver time.
It is quite normal that the screen is one of the largest battery consumers, but if you find it too high percentage, do not hesitate to follow this advice. It is difficult to give a normal consumption of percentage, this varies from one smartphone to another. The key is to remain vigilant: Brightness should not be too high and the screen should not remain active too long.
Keep in mind that there are different applications to optimize your battery.
If you have the chance to have Android Marshmallow, you usually Doze your device. This application will look to reduce your energy consumption
Of course, there are other applications to save your battery.

- Version of the app: 2.8.1
- Size app: 3.43 MB
- Compatibility of the app: Android 4.1 or higher
- Business model: completely free
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