

How to uninstall the default applications on Android?

Removal method default applications unwanted

It is known to all that all phones and smart Android system comes to the user a set of default applications where the useful and the majority is a useful addition to that the user does not know what the importance of the work of these applications, at the same time the user can not remove or uninstall these applications to the lack of powers of him uninstall these applications.
But for users of Android, which have on their powers of your root can remove the default applications completely from their phones via the free application System app uninstaller, whose basic idea is to remove the default system applications.
In addition to the removal of the user can default application returns through your backup, and automatic application that was removed property, through the trash provided by the app, as well Allier that the user can remove any application that wants to return it is also an option, as well as support for the abolition of the multi-installation push one.
As the user can arrange the applications in the list by size, date, type, with the presentation of the application data, and finally provides a search for an application form APK or even search for the application in the PlayStation Store in the name of the engine, now that you have the powers to your root you can take advantage of the free application downloaded from Android on the Google Play store, which supports Android 2.3 versions of what followed comes the size of 1.8 MB.

  • Rooter your device

The best solution to remove native applications on your smartphone or tablet is to rooter device. For many, this seems scary or impossible, but it is often easier to achieve than what you imagine, depending on your course unit. And, contrary to legend, it will not void your warranty. Learn all about the root.

  • Disable applications

The root allows completely remove unwanted applications from your device, but this solution does not fit all. Fortunately, Android provides an alternative completely legal and feasible without difficulty is to disable applications:
-Go to Settings> Applications

  • System app uninstaller for uninstall default applications 
Safe, clear and easy application default uninstall system.

  • Warning: some applications may not be deleted
Some people may be tempted to uninstall many applications. I suggest you simply remove those that are not related to the system. Apps that you can remove are those typical default installed by the manufacturer (as ChatON Samsung) or those of Google such as YouTube, Gmail, Streetview.