

Best Android applications in not to be missed - April 2016

Best Android apps for April 2016

We were able to tour through the Google Play Store access to a list of the best applications of Android in April 2016 that must be users of the Android experience as it should be present each phone those applications, a variety of protecting and fitness and the weather and the theme and download and other so we followed in this topic and you know on our list of the best applications

April 2016

  • App Cloner
Using App Cloner you can create and install multiple copies of your existing apps.
Cloned apps run in parallel and work independently from their original apps. They will not receive automatic updates so you can keep and run a stable version alongside the original app.
Cloning can be useful to simultaneously use multiple logins in apps such as Facebook, Twitter or Skype but the real fun starts by messing around with an app. App Cloner offers a multitude of options to tweak the new app copy, apart from changing the app name or icon.

For example, you can remove widgets or unnecessary permissions, you can disable auto-start, backups or intrusive app defaults. App Cloner can even extend a cloned app to add new functionality such as password protection, incognito mode with secure file deletion and you can lock an app to consume data over Wi-Fi only.
  • ScreenMeet. Screen share apps

The easy way to screen share your phone and tablet apps in real-time. Screenshare phone to phone (iPhone or Android), tablet, computer or with TV. Viewers join with no download. Screensharing made simple. Finally, phone screen sharing that just works!
Personalize your ScreenMeet URL for free to make it easy for you to screen share apps and simple for participants to join. 
  • Cardboard Camera

With Cardboard Camera, take pictures RV to relive the highlights in virtual reality. Listen to the sounds as if you were there and look around you to see the scene from all angles. With pictures RV in 3D, close objects seem really close, and the most distant objects actually appear to be remote. Whether holiday memories or a family gathering, photographs RV relive those moments.

  • CloudMagic

Installed for a few days in my second hand smartphone, the Android application CloudMagic was an amazing surprise for me by its simplicity and its functions are in detail. In addition to providing the features of Gmail, the CloudMagic alternative platform is compatible, which means that you can connect a multitude of accounts of one and / or several different platforms. Among them, we can find it Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook.com, Microsoft Exhange (with full support for this with Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 (ActiveSync, EWS, IMAP) and Office 365 and many more.